Re-establishing Vedic Wisdom for Universal Harmony.

Under the aegis of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir (DJVM) is committed to restore and revitalise the Vedic Culture by conserving the intangible cultural heritage of Vedas, and rejuvenating Sanskrit – the mother of all languages.

What We Do

We are working to promulgate the
ancient knowledge from the Vedas

Comparative study of Vedic Sanskrit

Comparative study of Vedic Sanskrit with varied languages

Vedic Chanting Sessions

To purify the environment by radiating Vedic vibes

Rejuvenating Vedic Workshops

Gyaan- Anjan Shalakya, Shiva Sankalpamastu, and so forth

Peace Marches

Peace Marches for invoking cultural fervour in the masses

Educate People

We conduct Vedic chanting sessions and Yajnas.

As a regular feature, we conduct Vedic chanting sessions and Yajnas at residences, educational institutes and several other locations. We even run a school in classical Sanskrit, perform peace marches and have associations with various other Vedic culture-vivifying bodies. DJVM even carries research on Upnishads, Vedas, Shrimad Bhagwat Gita and other ancient Sanskrit scriptures.

  • Thousands of people educated.
  • Fluent recitation of Vedic verses in Sanskrit.
  • Learnt the art of coalescing knowledge of the past.


Research on ancient Sanskrit scriptures.

Our Courses

Re-instating Vedic Pedagogy
through an array of courses

Our Shukla Yajurvediya Rudra Ashtadhyayi (popularly known as Rudri Path) chanting programme has national and international participation.

Let’s make a difference in
the lives of others