In a heartwarming initiative aimed at nurturing the spiritual growth of young minds, Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir (DJVM) organized it's fifth series of virtual Alankrita Workshop titled "Gupshup with Ganesha" for children aged between 4 and 12. The workshop held on 20th August, captivated children with an array of engaging activities. Children enthusiastically learned to mold clay making colorful Ganesha idols, while the story of the revered Vighnaharta Ganesha added depth to their understanding. Kids also gained insight into enhancing discrimination power and learned to interpret the symbolism behind Ganesha's image, imbibing those qualities.
The workshop delved into activities aimed at boosting focus and observation skills like that of Lord Ganesha. The final and concluding segment, led by Swami Pradeepanand Ji, Preacher DJJS focused on curbing ego and imbibing the wisdom of discretion, drawing parallels with the attributes of Lord Ganesha himself. Swamiji highlighted that Brahm Gyan, that is bestowed by Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji is the ultimate source of perennial knowledge and is the only way to achieve wisdom.